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Referral Info For Providers
Ginger Spice Health, LLC welcomes referrals from all healthcare providers throughout the State of Minnesota!
Please ensure that the following TWO items are checked before sending us the referral, if the patient is aware and ready:
1. Check if patient is in-network with our insurance partners:
2. Conditions we are UNABLE to support: Active Eating Disorders, Below 6 years old
To send us a referral:
Please fax TWO items: Filled-out fax form (download below) +Patient's Progress note​​​
​Download the "Nutrition Counsling Provider Referral Form" ​(Printer-friendly; works for all insurances)
Download the "Medicare Nutrition Counseling Provider Referral form" (Printer-friendly; needs Medicare provider's signature)
Please include Patient's Progress note
(demographic data, history/physical, recent progress note
baseline labs from this or past year including CBC, CMP, liver panel, ferritin, TSH, BP, medications, etc)
Please send a filled-out referral form on our fax #: 612-712-8264
​(For any questions regarding this, please call 612-756-9894)
Patient could expect a response from us within 4 business days of receipt of your referral form
How could my patients get in touch with you?
Please have them fill out our Contact Form here
Our in-network insurance partners
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